2 reviews by I fucked Apple!..

From: I fucked Apple!
Comments: I see debate over which is better, Zillion or Metroid. Well, my personal fav is Zillion, but there are valid arguments on both sides. Zillion was more colorful and had more eye candy(SMS had more colors available then the NES, NES games were usually pretty ugly), plus story was cool and it was based off an anime. My light phaser was even based off the Zillion gun, yay! However, metroid was more in-depth and complicated, and had a password system for this. An average Zillion game for me takes between 45 minutes to an hour to beat it, Metroid tons longer, and theres much more to find in Metroid, more items, etc. But for me Zillion is still more fun and less frustrating, it had better graphics, better sound and music, etc. I wish Sega would have kept with it like Nintendo kept with Metroid. Super Metroid for SNES is my fav game of the "exploring big 2D labyrinth" genre. I would have jizzed my pants if there was a Zillion 3 put out for the Genesis, as long as it was more like the original Zillion and not like Zillion 2, since Zillion 2 went away from the 2D labyrinth thing.


Zillion 2: Tri Formation

From: I fucked Apple!
Comments: I beat the hell out of this game. I also played and beat the original Zillion before getting this one. Its a decent game I guess, kind of weak for a 2d sidescroller, and a shame to the original. I was expecting another labyrinth to explore, instead I get this crap. At least I got to kill that Baron Ricks or whatever his name was, and the flying suit shit is pretty cool. Would have preferred a motorcycle to a pussy ass tricycle though. I miss seeing Amy's pretty face too, I liked going back to the mother ship to get some lovin from her.
